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After a career in law and finance and a stint of voluntary work, I retrained as a counsellor through an MBACP accredited course in counselling and psychotherapy. I set up Executive Wellbeing to support executives through life difficulties and often begin a counselling journey teaching cognitive skills that can be used independently. I believe that executives are under-served. Often, therapeutic services are framed in medical terms, whereas executives often do not see themselves in this light. Rather, many are likely to see themselves as capable people experiencing normal life difficulty, even if the suffering is immense and disorienting. I act as a reliable support at such times providing a routine structure that allows executives to work through life's challenges.
I have spent much of life wrestling with the past, its impact on the present, and our human capacity to transcend our limitations and grow forwards towards our ideal selves. My earliest years were spent in a state care home awaiting foster parents, some of which was captured in a 1975 World In Action Documentary by Lady Hollick (Wanted: A Home of Their Own, 1975), and I bring my experience in transcending these beginnings to help others.
I specialise in telephone counselling and nature therapy for executives. I have a special interest in midlife, and the rich and creative potential it has for renewal. Navigating midlife can be arduous, but it can also be a time for reviving neglected potential. Although trained to be familiar with a variety of therapeutic approaches, from cognitive to creative, humanistic, psychoanalytic and transpersonal, midlife often involves understanding unconscious processes. This can arise through recognising our relationship patterns, developing our creativity, working with dreams, or finding a deeper meaning for our lives, although each client is unique and my approach is always responsive to client needs and experience.
Counselling is ultimately a way of connecting with the broader experience of yourself that is available if you choose to pay it attention. In that complex relationship that is your life, communicated to another who supports and works with you to overcome obstacles to growth, you can discover new resources of creative potential to move forwards and renew your career, your life, yourself.
I have recently completed a poetry collection, Joke Book, and have begun a second collection, tentatively captioned 'English Spiritual'. I begin an M.A. in Poetry & Poetics at York University next year, and am writing a memoir - a gift for my children that they may one day know me better, and how much I loved them. How much their own love has meant to me.

Two pictures in Meanwood where I accompany clients for nature therapy

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