What is Counselling
For £25 or so each week for a few months - depending on the route you choose - you could transform your life. Or just cope a lot better. Both are worth investing in.
Counselling provides an opportunity to explore your life with someone who is dedicated to listening to you and helping you clarify and understand your life and emotions. There is an overwhelming body of research evidence that this can help in managing difficult challenges in life.
It does not generally involve giving advice, but does involve entering into a unique professional relationship - one in which you are supported, and where something new can emerge in the understanding and experiencing of yourself.
It is very rare to have another person's committed attention for even a quarter of an hour - but you will have my attention for a significant and regular time, in a routine structure that allows difficulties to be safely held and explored.
Coaching is more directive and motivational, and usually more applicable to specific work conflicts or challenges. However, all coaching begins initially with my listening and understanding, which in practice will be indistinguishable from counselling.
Many people find that counselling can be a transformative experience.

CEO/Director/Partner Performance Counselling
On-going counselling/coaching for leadership executives
Telephone (video also available) - open-ended
£50 per 45m session weekly/fortnightly
Life at the top can be lonely. I offer a performance counselling service that aims to keep you supported when the going is hard. Focused and aware of who you are and how you work, testing the boundaries of the limitations you face, or supporting you intensively when life and work become unbalanced. Performance counselling helps you avoid blind-spots and groupthink.
Every experience of leadership counselling is unique and always client-led. We work with what you bring to each meeting and your own unique circumstances and needs. An invaluable routine for exploring candidly whatever life is presenting to you in a way that life does not usually offer - giving you the space to reflect and the opportunity to transcend your challenges.
Work-Life Stress Coaching & Counselling
On-going counselling/coaching for work-life conflicts and stresses
Telephone (video also available) - open-ended
£50 per 45m session weekly/fortnightly
My routine work-stress programme is an open-ended weekly or fortnightly counselling service. It is intended as a supportive routine for executives who are experiencing significant work-life stress.
Such counselling need not be for any significant trauma or mental health difficulty, but simply part of a routine wellbeing commitment, like getting exercise, healthy food or sunshine (all increasingly important during Covid-19).
The on-going, committed presence of a counsellor who listens to your concerns, and helps you to understand yourself and work-life problems, can help you keep a steady course through turbulent times.
Counselling can be for any period of time, without commitment, and can be returned to whenever work-life stress becomes significant.

Nature Therapy
Fortnightly or weekly in North Leeds
£55 per session, circa 60 minutes
Nature counselling for depression, anxiety or bereavement involves meeting regularly at The Hollies, Meanwood Park or Golden Acre in north Leeds. We will walk and talk for about an hour.
Nature counselling usually feels less formal than other forms of counselling and coaching. The routine of exercise, social contact and immersion in nature can be highly restorative, but I will also be counselling and listening closely to your difficulties. There will be moments that we can sit and pause and times for silence if desired.
The walk is the same each week, and is a small journey in its own right, beginning in ancient woodland, before descending a path into the deep woods and the sources of spring water that run through the Hollies. This ends with a brief but steep climb to the remembrance garden where there are benches or shelter that we can use to conclude the journey safely. Flatter routes run through Meanwood and Golden Acre.
We may also also look to the natural world on this walk for objects that connect with you. Although you may not encounter anything, sometimes finding something - a feather, a leaf, a stone, a running stream, any natural object that mirrors something in your heart or memory - can bring an unexpected healing dimension to our work.
If you have mobility concerns, please get in touch as it is possible to arrange simpler and/or shorter walks.
Mid-life Consulting
A 30 session course for exploring life meaning
Weekly or fortnightly by telephone, plus three video sessions
£55 per week/fortnight, 50 minute sessions
Mid-life consulting is for those who are approaching or navigating a turning point in life, usually (but not always) around their 30's or 40's when we re-evaluate our past and re-orient ourselves to the future. Typically, this involves either beginning a new chapter of meaningful activity, or resolving to stay on a path with new energy and awareness.
Because mid-life work can be difficult, I invite clients who choose this path to commit to a minimum of 30 sessions and to consider themselves to be resilient. Although you are free to conclude our work at any time, the initial commitment is important because some of the most transforming work can be just through the door that you may want to close. After 30 sessions you should have a meaningful change in your understanding and experience of yourself.
Midlife can be a profoundly enrichening journey, a rediscovery of yourself as deeper and more creative than you knew, and the path to a new life.

Woodland Executives Group
A fortnightly men's/women's group meeting in an outdoor setting
Seasonal meetings, May through November
£30 per session, maximum group size of 10
The Woodland Executives group is an opportunity to meet in a group setting and work towards a connectedness and authenticity that is different to one-to-one work. Group dynamics have the potential for greater depth of self-knowing as collective trust and openness grow through the seasons. The groups are arranged separately for men and for women.
In groups, unexpected insight and growth is more likely. Full contracting is undertaken at the beginning of each cycle to set out clear boundaries, personal responsibility, and the ethics of respectful dialogue as we work with both difficult and joyful emotions. Groups may be moderated by more than one counsellor.
**No capacity at present - please contact me to be notified of future availability

Single Session Therapy
Single session, 90 minutes, £125
Single session therapy is an intensive exploration of a pressing life or work concern.
It is an opportunity for a deep self-analysis in a safe place with the aim of helping you find a new way to approach your current difficulties, a new understanding of yourself or problem, or some other healing outcome that helps to move forwards.
I will be launching an on-line course next year complementing the mid-life consulting programme. Check back for updates.
I blog occasionally on psychoanalytic themes at ExecWellbeing.medium.com which you can reach through the blog link at the top of the page. I have also written a mini-series on the surprises of psychic life available via my LinkedIn profile